Special Campaign territories

If your objective is to have larger territories for special campaigns, while not affecting regular territories currently assigned to publishers and do not wish to display the information in the S-13 or the history, then you may use the Territory name field for that purpose.

The same Territory name can be used for multiple territories. For example: Territory #001 has 40 addresses, #002 35 addresses, #003 60 addresses. Using the territory name CAMPAIGN-2023-001 for all three, would make one territory with 135 addresses, without affecting territories #001, #002 and #003.

How to setup

Step #1: Assign a territory name

From the Desktop application

Method 1

 From the List menu under the Home tab

  1. Manually type a new territory name beside the territory number or select an existing name from the dropdown list

Method 2

 From the Territories menu under the Home tab

  1. Select the territory number from the Search dropdown list
  2. Manually type a new territory name beside the territory number or select an existing name from the dropdown list

From the Web application

 From the City/Category menu under the Territories tab

  1. Manually type a new territory name beside the territory number or you may copy/paste the name into the field
  2. Click on the Update button

Step #2: Print or generate a territory

From the Desktop application

 From the Territories menu under the Printing tab

  1. Click on the Territory Name radio button
  2. Click the check box to select the territory name to be printed
  3. Click on the Print button
Note:The other steps are identical for a campaign territory than it is for a regular territory

From the Web application

Method 1

 From the Assign menu under the Distribution tab

  1. Click on the Territory Name radio button
  2. Select the territory name from the dropdown list
  3. Select a publisher from the dropdown list
  4. Check the box Generate a new list of addresses when assigning the territory
  5. Click on the Assign button

Method 2

 From the To be assigned menu under the Activity tab

  1. Click on the sign to expand the Territory Name section
  2. Click on the blue button with the territory name
  3. Select a publisher from the dropdown list
  4. Check the box Generate a new list of addresses when assigning the territory
  5. Click on the Assign button

Method 3

 From the All Territories menu under the Activity tab

  1. Scroll to the Territory Name section, located at the end of the list
  2. Click on the blue button with the territory name
  3. Select a publisher from the dropdown list
  4. Check the box Generate a new list of addresses when assigning the territory
  5. Click on the Assign button

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Applies to version 5.5.6 or later
