Help Click here to view latest articles ×Note: The navy blue buttons indicate that the documentation is available, and the red buttons mean the documentation is under construction Addresses Add a new address Modifying an address Change the language Do not calls Verify addresses from website Adding personalised fields How to recover a deleted address How to standardize the street names Territories Adding a territory Printing a territory Modifying a number Modifying a territory type Deleting a territory Special campaings Maps Create a map Restore an older map Print a map Split a territory in 2 Merge 2 territories Printing Printing a territory Printing a map S-13 Reports QR Code Customising size and color QR code on map QR code for house-to-house records House-to-house Printing formats Choosing the printing format Modifying the text Strike-through Languages/Do Not calls Modifying an Excel template Modifying an html template Territory Distribution Assign a territory Return a territory Deactivate/Lock a territory Late territories Activity S-13 Worked Territories Late Territories Publishers Add a new publisher Modify an existing publisher Delete a publisher Import Addresses Telephone Maps Publishers Export Local addresses Local language to other congregations Exchange between congregations With Multi-Terr 5 users With Multi-Terr 4 users With other applications Request addresses Website Activating Changing administrator password Creating users and managing rights Syncing Publishers Allocating territories Late territories Verify addresses Options Databases Managing multiple databases Sharing databases Backup Encryption Security and Encryption Encrypting Access Database How online database works Modifying online password Geocoding (Latitude/Longitude) Updating Latitude/Longitude Best practices Backup Create a backup Send a copy to the Multi-Terr team Restore a backup Exporting online data to a csv file (Excel)